
The Apocalyps Jazzfestival
1 July 2005
My name is Hanyo van Oosterom. I am a Dutch composer/musicproducer. I am also a regular visitor of the beautiful island of Patmos. I have many friends on Patmos. During my last visit I spoke to some people about live music, because Patmos would be the perfect location for a new festival. Everybody had the same good feeling about this and told me to work at this plan. I also heard that David Bowie has a house on Patmos and I will try to contact him.
I am the creative director of the former World Port Jazz Festival in Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2001/2002/2003). This multimedia and multicultural festival had more than 10.000 visitors every year. This festival gave me the opportunity to build an excellent network of international artists that I have worked with. My partner is the American Jonathan Rudnick, creative advisor of many international festivals and musiclabels in the USA, Indonesia and Europe.
Together we will work out a plan for a new festival at Patmos. One of the names that came to our minds was The Apocalyps Jazz Festival. We would ask the artists to compose a special show for this theme in full respect of the tradition and spirit of Patmos. The specialty would be that we will invite some jazz legends to work with young talent and make special combinations of different traditional and modern music. Jazz is the perfect medium to do this because jazz has its roots in many styles of music, including traditional religious music.
Jazz is also getting more popular among young people and is able to attract a wide range of people. We are thinking of different locations at Patmos such as the amphitheater at Chora (spiritual jazz, poetry and special productions), the open-air cinema at Meloi (DJ's, VJ's and musicians for young people), hotels and bars in Skala like The Arion and The Skala Hotel (traditional jazz). A good friend of mine Nikos from the Artcafe will be one of the local advisors. During the festival his bar will be called the Artists Cafe. We could even think of special music-cruises around the island. We have met some excellent production people at Patmos that could take care of the technical production of such a festival.
From our experience we believe that many artists would be honored to perform at Patmos. It is also a perfect location for live TV coverage through European art channels. We would certainly try to involve wellknown visitors of Patmos s.a. Richard Gere, David Bowie etc. Also we will include special themes to honor wellknown people living at Patmos like Robert Lax.
It would be a great honor and an exciting creative challenge to make this work. The best reason would be that I love music and I certainly love Patmos. This festival would allow me to spend more time at your lovely island that has always been a great inspiration to me and to many of my fellow artists.
Fist of all we would like to know if our plan may have the support of the Municipality of Patmos. If so we will make a brochure and a website of our plan to contact possible sponsors. We would very much like to work together with you on this. You could also help us to contact the Greek Ministry of Culture. With their help we might be able to get some European funds for this plan.
We are looking forward to your kind comments and we hope that we can depend on your enthusiasm. We are ready to come to Pamos and visit the appropriate people and introduce our plans personally.
Best regards,
Hanyo van Oosterom
Hanyo van Oosterom is looking for more local and international support to make this project happen like partners, sponsors, cultural funds, investors etc. To contact Hanyo van Oosterom you can email to: hanyo@xs4all.nl
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Travel to Patmos